New year, new bucket list! This one is filled with joy, exploring and doing a freefall.
This year’s bucket list might sound/read more like a goallist. But hear me out! From the summer of 2023 till autumn 2024 I was very restricted in what I could do. In case you are new here on the blog… Hi! I changed my last name.This was a long process from start to finish and there were many things I couldn’t do in that time just because the name change news could drop any minute and I would have to do a lot (A LOT) of administration. Like renewing my passport, driver license and many more things. Currently I am in the midst of getting new diploma’s.
Anyway, you can imagine that I had to hold off on a lot of dreams and goals. When I lived in Vienna last month I realised that I won’t restrict myself in my upcoming plans, but rather do things that make me feel free or finally being able to enjoy my private time again. Also, I am not going to lie, there is still a lot of unknown about my future this year. This is in regards to my business and where I might be living later in the upcoming months. My business will go international this year (whoop, whoop!) and I am planning on moving. Will I be immigrating or will I be a nomad again? Only time will tell. Right now I am simply enjoying life again and everything on this bucket list are things to make me fall in love with life a little more day by day.
1. Doing something every month that makes me feel alive
When I basically couldn’t leave the house for months on end, you probably understand this year I want to make it my mission to do something fun every month. Especially with the growth my own business is undergoing I want to be on top of making sure I do each month something that makes me feel alive. This could be anything! Going on holiday, concerts, trying out something new… you name it. I can’t wait to see all the things I have done by the end of the year.
2. Finish my manuscript
Last year I spent some long hours behind my laptop. Of course this was for admin. But this year I finally want to finish one of my manuscripts. Ever since my creative flow has come back last year, I know I am able to work on my writings again.
3. Explore my storytelling
In the last few years there have been so many life changing things in my life. Both bad and good. I want to explore how this impacted my storytelling, grow with it and learn new things. I’ve been having such a blast with videography, but there is still so much to learn. However, storytelling is also writing, this blog, my business and many more things. This is an adventure that amazes me each day and I will be tracking my moves each week to see my own progress in different areas.
4. Staying in a castle
Depending on how long you’ve been following this blog, you probably know all the unique places I’ve lived. From an estate to a museum. It has been itching for a while to stay in unique places again. For example, in the autumn of 2023 I stayed in a converted monastery, which was a very out of the ordinary experience and I can’t get enough of it. So the next logical step seems to me to be a castle, right?
5. Become a polyglot
Let’s go! At the end of last year I joined a language learning community. It has been amazing to get to know like minded people all over the world and helping each other with language goals. For example I currently help a German girl with Dutch (my native language) and she is going to help me with my German speech.
There are many others in the group I have been talking about Chinese, Italian, French, Japanese and Korean. It’s fun to share experiences and tips on learning.
Especially since my business is growing internationally it’s more important than ever that I have knowledge about different languages. Even if it’s just a little. But at the same time studying languages brings me so much joy! Over the last few years it even helped me with exploring my storytelling when it comes down to writing.
My 2025 bucket list
A list filled with joy, learning, exploring and doing a freefall. I can’t wait to go on my next adventure and when I won’t be travelling I look forward to doing all the other things on this list.
What is on your bucket list?
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