My study plan for Korean ’24 #3

Posted on August 27 2024 by Katja in Language Studies / 0 Comments

How are my Korean skills going? Am I on schedule? Let’s check it out!

To refresh your memory
Language goals 2024 (English)
Mijn studieplan voor Koreaans ’24 (Blog only in Dutch)
Mijn studieplan voor Koreaans ’24 #2 (Blog only in Dutch)

Level 2 & 3 in Korean
German was my focus language in 2023. However, I switched my focus language to Korean for 2024. My German is finally “flowing” and I am not worried about it. My Korean skills however… I need to do a lot of work, but it is my plan to have level 3 by the end of the year.
The language levels work differently in Korean than in (most) European languages. I think my current level is somewhere between A1 and A2. The goal is to get A2 level/beginning of B1 level. Since Korean is a tonal language, I know this is quite a challenge, but I’m looking forward to it. I noticed that alternating between languages ​​works well for me. In addition, I have noticed that learning two different languages ​​greatly reinforces each other in my own thinking process. I feel like learning languages ​​actually goes faster because I immerse myself in the languages ​​and therefore see the languages ​​from different perspectives. This is something that works well for me, but I completely understand that this is far from ideal to most.

What do I need the language for?
– Because I like the language, so just for fun. There’s no pressure.
– To be able to understand the music right away without having to look at translations.
– Not needing subtitles for K-dramas and shows I follow on YouTube.
– For the future, if I ever have the chance to travel around Korea.

What is my language goal for this year?
Get to level 2 and 3 with the language program Talk To Me In Korean and hopefully practice my speech.

Where was I at the beginning of this year?
My vocabulary isn’t that big yet, but I notice that I read words slowly but surely more easily, even if I do not understand what the words mean. I also understand more and sometimes I am even ahead of the subtitles. If I had to place it in European language frameworks, I think I would be somewhere between A1 and A2. 

What did I do in the first two quarters?
My goals for Q1: 
– Review Talk To Me In Korean level 1.
– Start Talk To Me In Korean level 2.
– Increase vocabulary knowledge.
– Practice reading. 

My goals for Q2:
– Finish reviewing Talk To Me In Korean level 1.
– Start Talk To Me In Korean level 2.
– Practice reading.
– Practice speaking.

I had big plans for the first half of 2024, but it wasn’t as successful as I had hoped. Reason? German happened to be more important, because of my travels and also for my work. Now that everything has settled down, I want to go back to my Korean studies. During the last few months I shadowed and also reviewed Talk To Me In Korean level 1. However, I only got halfway. So there are still a lot of things for me left to study. 

Where am I now after the first six months?
In terms of European language frameworks, I am still somewhere between A1 and A2. However, I think I am already moving towards A2 in terms of listening skills. I can now follow simple conversations and in difficult conversations I can already understand certain words.

How am I going to continue studying the language from now on?
My goals for Q3:
– Finish reviewing Talk To Me In Korean level 1.
– Start Talk To Me In Korean level 2.
– Practice reading.
– Follow a speaking lesson plan to expand my vocabulary, practice reading and of course so I can practice speaking.

My goals for Q4:
– Finish Talk To Me In Korean level 2.
– Start Talk To Me In Korean level 3.
– Expand vocabulary knowledge with the help of a workbook.


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