A language that simply has my heart and my plan on how I am going to study it.
What is my language goal for this year?
Korean – Complete level 3
What do I need the language for?
– Because I like the language, so just for fun. There’s no pressure.
– To be able to understand the music right away without having to look at translations.
– Not needing subtitles for K-dramas and shows I follow on YouTube.
– For the future, if I ever have the chance to travel around Korea.
Where am I now?
Last year was intense on a personal level to say the least. It was hard to maintain my Korean skills. So I decided that I would consume Korean content as much as possible and that studying would come later once my name is changed. During the last quarter of the year when I restarted my Korean lessons again, I made great progress, and even scored very well on tests, so luckily I maintained most of my Korean knowledge. Even better, I found out that I have preferred words that go beyond the textbook stuff, but are still correct Korean. I am super happy that the language stuck with me.
This year I want to focus on getting to and finishing level 3 with Talk To Me in Korean. Right now I am still at beginner level.
How am I going to continue studying the language from now on?
My goals for Q1:
– Increase vocabulary knowledge.
– Practice beginner conversations.
– Review Talk To Me In Korean level 1.
– Start Talk To Me In Korean level 2.
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