Contemporary, fantasy and some German literature… Sounds like a great reading month!
Fiction – English
A Crane Among Wolves – June Hur
Hope is dangerous. Love is deadly.
1506, Joseon. The people suffer under the cruel reign of the tyrant King Yeonsan, powerless to stop him from commandeering their land for his recreational use, banning and burning books, and kidnapping and horrifically abusing women and girls as his personal playthings.
Seventeen-year-old Iseul has lived a sheltered, privileged life despite the kingdom’s turmoil. When her older sister, Suyeon, becomes the king’s latest prey, Iseul leaves the relative safety of her village, traveling through forbidden territory to reach the capital in hopes of stealing her sister back. But she soon discovers the king’s power is absolute, and to challenge his rule is to court certain death.
Prince Daehyun has lived his whole life in the terrifying shadow of his despicable half-brother, the king. Forced to watch King Yeonsan flaunt his predation through executions and rampant abuse of the common folk, Daehyun aches to find a way to dethrone his half-brother once and for all. When staging a coup, failure is fatal, and he’ll need help to pull it off—but there’s no way to know who he can trust.
When Iseul’s and Daehyun’s fates collide, their contempt for each other is transcended only by their mutual hate for the king. Armed with Iseul’s family connections and Daehyun’s royal access, they reluctantly join forces to launch the riskiest gamble the kingdom has ever
Save her sister. Free the people. Destroy a tyrant.
I am aware that this book was also on my TBR last month, but I was a bit too busy reading the previous book of the author’s work: The Red Palace. It’s so good!
Imogen, Obviously – Becky Albertalli
Imogen Scott may be hopelessly heterosexual, but she’s got the World’s Greatest Ally title locked down. She’s never missed a Pride Alliance meeting. She knows more about queer media discourse than her very queer little sister. She even has two queer best friends. There’s Gretchen, a fellow high school senior, who helps keep Imogen’s biases in check. And then there’s Lili—newly out and newly thriving with a cool new squad of queer college friends. Imogen’s thrilled for Lili. Any ally would be. And now that she’s finally visiting Lili on campus, she’s bringing her ally A game. Any support Lili needs, Imogen’s all in. Even if that means bending the truth, just a little. Like when Lili drops a tiny queer she’s told all her college friends that Imogen and Lili used to date. And none of them know that Imogen is a raging hetero—not even Lili’s best friend, Tessa. Of course, the more time Imogen spends with chaotic, freckle-faced Tessa, the more she starts to wonder if her truth was ever all that straight to begin with…
A bit late for pride month, anyway I am very excited to read Becky her latest work. It has been a while since the last time I read a book of hers.
The Book That Wouldn’t Burn – Mark Lawrence
A boy has lived his whole life trapped within a vast library, older than empires and larger than cities.
A girl has spent hers in a tiny settlement out on the Dust where nightmares stalk and no one goes.
The world has never even noticed them. That’s about to change.
Their stories spiral around each other, across worlds and time. This is a tale of truth and lies and hearts, and the blurring of one into another. A journey on which knowledge erodes certainty, and on which, though the pen may be mightier than the sword, blood will be spilled and cities burned.
I heard so many great stories about this book that I can’t wait to read it myself.
Fiction – German
Zeilenflüstern – Kyra Groh
Seine Stimme bedeutet ihr alles – bis sie ihm begegnet
Jede Nacht lässt sich Klara von Noel Carter in den Schlaf flüstern. Dabei kennt sie nur seine Stimme. Alles andere versteckt der Hörbuchsprecher hinter einem Pseudonym. Bis ihr erster Job bei der Sweet Lemon Agency Klara in ein Tonstudio führt, in dem ausgerechnet Noel auf sie wartet. Er soll ihre Werbetexte für eine sinnliche neue Kampagne einsprechen – und hasst jedes Wort davon. Denn für den gescheiterten Schauspieler sind die Aufnahmen ein weiterer Beweis dafür, dass er von niemandem ernstgenommen wird. Von niemandem außer Klara, die ihm zeigt, wie viel zwischen den Zeilen steht.
German critics rave about this story and that is how I found out about the existence of this book. When I went to purchase the book during a day trip to Germany, the owner of the bookstore immediately walked up to me to tell me about the book and how enthusiastic she is about the story. Then it must be good, right?
Save Me – Mona Kasten
Sie kommen aus unterschiedlichen Welten.
Und doch sind sie füreinander bestimmt.
Geld, Glamour, Luxus, Macht – all das könnte Ruby Bell nicht weniger interessieren. Seit sie ein Stipendium für das renommierte Maxton Hall College erhalten hat, versucht sie in erster Linie eins: ihren Mitschülern so wenig wie möglich aufzufallen. Vor allem von James Beaufort, dem heimlichen Anführer des Colleges, hält sie sich fern. Er ist zu arrogant, zu reich, zu attraktiv. Während Rubys größter Traum ein Studium in Oxford ist, scheint er nur für die nächste Party zu leben. Doch dann findet Ruby etwas heraus, was sonst niemand weiß – etwas, was den Ruf von James‘ Familie zerstören würde, sollte es an die Öffentlichkeit geraten. Plötzlich weiß James genau, wer sie ist. Und obwohl sie niemals Teil seiner Welt sein wollte, lassen ihr James – und ihr Herz – schon bald keine andere Wahl…
Yes, I also fell for the Maxton Hall spell. Who doesn’t know the show by now? I adore it and I am happy they already started shooting the second season! In the meantime I’m also looking forward to reading the books. Well actually… listening it will be, cause the book series are available on Storytell as audiobooks.
Which book do you hope to read this month?
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